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(C) 2013 by Holger Hans Peter Freyther
All Rights Reserved
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Object subclass: M2UAApplicationServerProcess [
| socket asp_active_block asp_down_block asp_inactive_block asp_up_block error_block notify_block sctp_confirm_block sctp_released_block sctp_restarted_block sctp_status_block established state t_ack lastMsg on_state_change as_state |
<category: 'OsmoNetwork-M2UA'>
<comment: 'I am a M2UA Application Server Process.
I have an internal state machine and a state and will be used by the
M2UA Layer. I am written for the usage in a Media Gateway Controller
and will also keep information about the Application Server itself.
If I need to be used on a Signalling Gateway (SG) I will need a dedicated
M2UA Application Server class and state machine.
I can currently only manage a single interface. The specification allows
a single ASP to send one ASPActive for one interface at a time.'>
M2UAApplicationServerProcess class >> initWith: aService [
^self new
socketService: aService;
M2UAApplicationServerProcess class >> new [
^self basicNew initialize
onError: aBlock [
"M-ERROR indication
Direction: M2UA -> LM
Purpose: ASP or SGP reports that it has received an ERROR
message from its peer."
<category: 'Primitives-LayerManagement'>
error_block := aBlock
onNotify: aBlock [
"M-NOTIFY indication
Direction: M2UA -> LM
Purpose: ASP reports that it has received a NOTIFY message
from its peer."
<category: 'Primitives-LayerManagement'>
notify_block := aBlock
onSctpEstablished: aBlock [
Direction: M2UA -> LM
Purpose: ASP confirms to LM that it has established an SCTP association with an SGP."
<category: 'Primitives-LayerManagement-SCTP'>
sctp_confirm_block := aBlock
onSctpReleased: aBlock [
Direction: M2UA -> LM
Purpose: ASP confirms to LM that it has released SCTP association with SGP."
<category: 'Primitives-LayerManagement-SCTP'>
sctp_released_block := aBlock
onSctpRestarted: aBlock [
"M-SCTP_RELEASE indication
Direction: M2UA -> LM
Purpose: SGP informs LM that ASP has released an SCTP association."
<category: 'Primitives-LayerManagement-SCTP'>
sctp_restarted_block := aBlock
onSctpStatus: aBlock [
"M-SCTP_STATUS indication
Direction: M2UA -> LM
Purpose: M2UA reports status of SCTP association."
<category: 'Primitives-LayerManagement-SCTP'>
sctp_status_block := aBlock
sctpEstablish [
Direction: LM -> M2UA
Purpose: LM requests ASP to establish an SCTP association with an SGP."
<category: 'Primitives-LayerManagement-SCTP'>
established := false.
socket stop.
socket start
sctpRelease [
Direction: LM -> M2UA
Purpose: LM requests ASP to release an SCTP association with SGP."
<category: 'Primitives-LayerManagement-SCTP'>
established := false.
socket stop.
t_ack ifNotNil: [t_ack cancel]
sctpStatusRequest [
"M-SCTP_STATUS request
Direction: LM -> M2UA
Purpose: LM requests M2UA to report status of SCTP association."
<category: 'Primitives-LayerManagement-SCTP'>
self notYetImplemented
aspActive [
<category: 'Primitives-LayerManagemennt-ASP'>
"M-ASP_ACTIVE request
Direction: LM -> M2UA
Purpose: LM requests ASP to send an ASP ACTIVE message to the SGP."
| msg |
self checkNextState: M2UAAspStateActive.
msg := M2UAMSG new
class: M2UAConstants clsASPTM;
msgType: M2UAConstants asptmActiv;
addTag: self createIdentIntTag;
addTag: self createInfoTag;
self send: msg
aspDown [
<category: 'Primitives-LayerManagemennt-ASP'>
"M-ASP_DOWN request
Direction: LM -> M2UA
Purpose: LM requests ASP to stop its operation and send an ASP DOWN
message to the SGP."
| msg |
self checkNextState: M2UAAspStateDown.
msg := M2UAMSG new
class: M2UAConstants clsASPSM;
msgType: M2UAConstants aspsmDown;
addTag: self createAspIdentTag;
addTag: self createInfoTag;
self send: msg
aspInactive [
<category: 'Primitives-LayerManagemennt-ASP'>
Direction: LM -> M2UA
Purpose: LM requests ASP to send an ASP INACTIVE message to the SGP."
| msg |
self checkNextState: M2UAAspStateInactive.
msg := M2UAMSG new
class: M2UAConstants clsASPTM;
msgType: M2UAConstants asptmInactiv;
addTag: self createIdentIntTag;
addTag: self createInfoTag;
self send: msg
aspUp [
<category: 'Primitives-LayerManagemennt-ASP'>
"M-ASP_UP request
Direction: LM -> M2UA
Purpose: LM requests ASP to start its operation and send an ASP UP
message to the SGP."
| msg |
self checkNextState: M2UAAspStateInactive.
msg := M2UAMSG new
class: M2UAConstants clsASPSM;
msgType: M2UAConstants aspsmUp;
addTag: self createAspIdentTag;
addTag: self createInfoTag;
self send: msg
onAspActive: aBlock [
"M-ASP_ACTIVE confirm
Direction: M2UA -> LM
Purpose: ASP reports that is has received an ASP ACTIVE
Acknowledgment message from the SGP."
<category: 'Primitives-LayerManagemennt-ASP'>
asp_active_block := aBlock
onAspDown: aBlock [
"M-ASP_DOWN confirm
Direction: M2UA -> LM
Purpose: ASP reports that is has received an ASP DOWN Acknowledgment
message from the SGP."
<category: 'Primitives-LayerManagemennt-ASP'>
asp_down_block := aBlock
onAspInactive: aBlock [
Direction: M2UA -> LM
Purpose: ASP reports that is has received an ASP INACTIVE
Acknowledgment message from the SGP."
<category: 'Primitives-LayerManagemennt-ASP'>
asp_inactive_block := aBlock
onAspUp: aBlock [
"M-ASP_UP confirm
Direction: M2UA -> LM
Purpose: ASP reports that it has received an ASP UP Acknowledgment
message from the SGP."
<category: 'Primitives-LayerManagemennt-ASP'>
asp_up_block := aBlock
onStateChange: aBlock [
"A generic callback for all state changes"
<category: 'Primitives-LayerManagemennt-ASP'>
on_state_change := aBlock
deregisterLinkKey [
Direction: LM -> M2UA
Purpose: LM requests ASP to de-register Link Key with SG by sending
DEREG REQ message."
<category: 'Primitives-LayerManagement-LinkKey'>
self notYetImplemented
onLinkKeyDeregistered: aBlock [
Direction: M2UA -> LM
Purpose: ASP reports to LM that it has successfully received a
DEREG RSP message from SG."
<category: 'Primitives-LayerManagement-LinkKey'>
self notYetImplemented
onLinkKeyRegistered: aBlock [
Direction: M2UA -> LM
Purpose: ASP reports to LM that it has successfully received a REG
RSP message from SG."
<category: 'Primitives-LayerManagement-LinkKey'>
self notYetImplemented
registerLinkKey [
Direction: LM -> M2UA
Purpose: LM requests ASP to register Link Key with SG by sending REG
REQ message."
<category: 'Primitives-LayerManagement-LinkKey'>
self notYetImplemented
hostname: aHostname port: aPort [
"Select the SCTP hostname/port for the SG to connect to"
<category: 'configuration'>
hostname: aHostname;
port: aPort
createAspIdentTag [
<category: 'm2ua-tags'>
^M2UATag initWith: M2UAConstants tagAspIdent data: #(1 2 3 4)
createIdentIntTag [
<category: 'm2ua-tags'>
^M2UATag initWith: M2UAConstants tagIdentInt data: #(0 0 0 0)
createInfoTag [
<category: 'm2ua-tags'>
^M2UATag initWith: M2UAConstants tagInfo
data: 'Hello from Smalltalk' asByteArray
callNotification: aBlock [
"Inform the generic method first, then all the others"
<category: 'private'>
on_state_change ifNotNil: [on_state_change value].
aBlock ifNotNil: [aBlock value]
checkNextState: nextState [
"Check if nextState and state are compatible and if not
throw an exception. TODO:"
<category: 'private'>
self state = nextState
[^self error: ('M2UA ASP already in state <1p>' expandMacrosWith: state)].
(self state nextPossibleStates includes: nextState)
[^self error: ('M2UA ASP illegal state transition from <1p> to <2p>.'
expandMacrosWith: state
with: nextState)]
dispatchData: aByteArray [
<category: 'private'>
| msg |
msg := M2UAMSG parseToClass: aByteArray.
msg dispatchOnAsp: self
dispatchNotification: aBlock [
<category: 'private'>
aBlock value
internalReset [
<category: 'private'>
self socketService: socket
moveToState: newState [
<category: 'private'>
((state nextPossibleStates includes: newState) or: [state = newState])
[^self error: ('M2UA ASP Illegal state transition from <1p> to <2p>'
expandMacrosWith: state
with: newState)].
"TODO: general on entry, on exit"
state := newState
sctpConnected [
<category: 'private'>
"The connect was issued."
| wasEstablished |
wasEstablished := established.
established := true.
state := M2UAAspStateDown.
t_ack ifNotNil: [t_ack cancel].
wasEstablished = true
ifTrue: [sctp_confirm_block ifNotNil: [sctp_confirm_block value]]
ifFalse: [sctp_restarted_block ifNotNil: [sctp_restarted_block value]]
sctpReleased [
"The SCTP connection has been released."
<category: 'private'>
self moveToState: M2UAAspStateDown.
established = true ifFalse: [^self].
sctp_released_block ifNotNil: [sctp_released_block value]
send: aMsg [
"Forget about what we did before"
<category: 'private'>
t_ack ifNotNil: [t_ack cancel].
t_ack := TimerScheduler instance scheduleInSeconds: 2
["Re-send the message"
self logNotice: ('<1p>:<2p> Sending message has timed out'
expandMacrosWith: socket hostname
with: socket port)
area: #m2ua.
self send: aMsg].
socket nextPut: aMsg toMessage asByteArray
initialize [
<category: 'creation'>
state := M2UAAspStateDown
socketService: aService [
<category: 'creation'>
socket := aService.
onSctpConnect: [self sctpConnected];
onSctpReleased: [self sctpReleased];
[:stream :assoc :ppid :data |
ppid = 2
[^self logNotice: 'M2UAApplicationServerProcess expecting PPID 2.'
area: #m2ua].
self dispatchData: data]
handleAspActiveAck: aMsg [
<category: 'dispatch'>
t_ack cancel.
self moveToState: M2UAAspStateActive.
self callNotification: asp_active_block
handleAspDownAck: aMsg [
<category: 'dispatch'>
t_ack cancel.
as_state := nil.
self moveToState: M2UAAspStateDown.
self callNotification: asp_down_block
handleAspInactiveAck: aMsg [
<category: 'dispatch'>
t_ack cancel.
as_state := nil.
self moveToState: M2UAAspStateInactive.
self callNotification: asp_inactive_block
handleAspUpAck: aMsg [
<category: 'dispatch'>
t_ack cancel.
self moveToState: M2UAAspStateInactive.
self callNotification: asp_inactive_block
handleError: aMsg [
"Cancel pending operations.. because something went wrong"
<category: 'dispatch'>
t_ack cancel.
error_block ifNotNil: [error_block value: aMsg]
handleNotify: aMsg [
<category: 'dispatch'>
"Extract the status"
| tag type ident |
tag := aMsg findTag: M2UAConstants tagStatus.
tag ifNil: [^self].
type := (tag data ushortAt: 1) swap16.
ident := (tag data ushortAt: 3) swap16.
type = M2UAConstants ntfyKindStateChange ifTrue: [as_state := ident].
"Inform our user about it"
notify_block ifNotNil: [notify_block value: type value: ident]
handleUnknownMessage: aMsg [
"We got something we don't know. ignore it for now."
<category: 'dispatch'>
isASActive [
<category: 'status'>
^as_state = M2UAConstants ntfyStateASActive
isASInactive [
<category: 'status'>
^as_state = M2UAConstants ntfyStateASInactive
isASPending [
<category: 'status'>
^as_state = M2UAConstants ntfyStateASPending
state [
<category: 'accessing'>