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(C) 2010-2011 by Holger Hans Peter Freyther
All Rights Reserved
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
PackageLoader fileInPackage: 'Sockets'.
Object subclass: MGCPCallAgentBase [
| socket queue rx tx trunks sem addr port |
<category: 'MGCP-Callagent'>
<comment: 'I am responsible for the networking'>
MGCPCallAgentBase class >> startOn: anAddress [
<category: 'creation'>
^ (self new)
initialize: anAddress port: 2727;
MGCPCallAgentBase class >> startOn: anAddress port: aPort [
<category: 'creation'>
^ self new
initialize: anAddress port: aPort;
initialize: anAddress port: aPort [
<category: 'creation'>
sem := Semaphore forMutualExclusion.
queue := SharedQueue new.
trunks := OrderedCollection new.
addr := anAddress.
port := aPort.
addTrunk: aTrunk [
<category: 'setup'>
sem critical: [
trunks add: aTrunk.
handleData: aData [
<category: 'handling'>
^ self subclassResponsibility
start [
<category: 'handling'>
self stop.
socket := (Sockets.DatagramSocket local: addr port: port)
bufferSize: 2048;
"Receive datagrams from the socket..."
rx := [
[ | data |
data := socket next.
data ifNotNil: [
OsmoDispatcher dispatchBlock: [self handleData: data].
] repeat.
] fork.
"Send data to the MGWs"
tx := [
[ | data |
data := queue next.
socket nextPut: data.
] repeat.
] fork.
stop [
socket ifNotNil: [socket close].
tx ifNotNil: [tx terminate].
rx ifNotNil: [rx terminate].
queueData: aDatagram [
queue nextPut: aDatagram.
MGCPCallAgentBase subclass: MGCPCallAgent [
| transactions parser |
<category: 'MGCP-Callagent'>
<comment: 'I deal with transactions and timeouts'>
initialize: anAddress port: aPort [
<category: 'private'>
super initialize: anAddress port: aPort.
transactions := OrderedCollection new.
addTransaction: aTransaction [
<category: 'private'>
sem critical: [
aTransaction transactionId: self generateTransactionId.
transactions add: aTransaction.
removeTransactionInternal: aTransaction [
<category: 'private'>
sem critical: [transactions remove: aTransaction].
transactionIdIsUsed: anId [
<category: 'private'>
^ transactions anySatisfy: [:each | each transactionId = anId]
generateTransactionId [
| ran |
<category: 'private'>
"I need to generate a transaction identifier. I assume proper locking"
"Check if the below could ever succeed"
(transactions size - 500000) > (999999999 - 100000000) ifTrue: [
^ self error: 'No free transaction ID.'.
ran := Random between: 100000000 and: 999999999.
self transactionIdIsUsed: ran
] whileTrue.
^ ran.
parser [
<category: 'private'>
^ parser ifNil: [parser := MGCPParser new]
handleData: aData [
| res data id trans |
data := aData data copyFrom: 1 to: aData size.
res := self parser parse: data asString onError: [
^ self error: 'Parse error ', data asByteArray printString.
id := res transactionId asInteger.
trans := sem critical: [transactions copy].
trans do: [:each |
each transactionId = id ifTrue: [
each response: res.
] on: Error do: [:e |
e logException: 'Incoming data ', e tag area: #mgcp.