From 2bdf944c115d017c4be813ee72574796bcc74abf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?K=C3=A9vin=20Redon?= Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2019 17:28:15 +0200 Subject: remove unused cable project the layout for the FPC cable was not existing, and the schematic is not an actual part of SIMtrace. the FPC cables are designed separately. Change-Id: I9138476c96404e18161b58b7b3a7a450ce633e81 --- hardware/kicad/simcable.sch | 215 -------------------------------------------- 1 file changed, 215 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 hardware/kicad/simcable.sch (limited to 'hardware/kicad/simcable.sch') diff --git a/hardware/kicad/simcable.sch b/hardware/kicad/simcable.sch deleted file mode 100644 index d16d682..0000000 --- a/hardware/kicad/simcable.sch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,215 +0,0 @@ -EESchema Schematic File Version 2 date Di 21 Jun 2011 14:36:44 CEST -LIBS:power -LIBS:device -LIBS:transistors -LIBS:conn -LIBS:linear -LIBS:regul -LIBS:74xx -LIBS:cmos4000 -LIBS:adc-dac -LIBS:memory -LIBS:xilinx -LIBS:special -LIBS:microcontrollers -LIBS:dsp -LIBS:microchip -LIBS:analog_switches -LIBS:motorola -LIBS:texas -LIBS:intel -LIBS:audio -LIBS:interface -LIBS:digital-audio -LIBS:philips -LIBS:display -LIBS:cypress -LIBS:siliconi -LIBS:opto -LIBS:atmel -LIBS:contrib -LIBS:valves -LIBS:smartcard -LIBS:SIMtrace-cache -EELAYER 25 0 -EELAYER END -$Descr A4 11700 8267 -encoding utf-8 -Sheet 1 1 -Title "SIM card for FFC" -Date "21 jun 2011" -Rev "v1.0" -Comp "" -Comment1 "" -Comment2 "" -Comment3 "" -Comment4 "" -$EndDescr -$Comp -L ISO7816_CARD SIM1 -U 1 1 4E0085A5 -P 5900 4000 -F 0 "SIM1" H 5900 4250 60 0000 C CNN -F 1 "ISO7816_CARD" H 5900 3750 60 0000 C CNN - 1 5900 4000 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -$Comp -L FFC P3 -U 1 1 4E0084E2 -P 5900 5250 -F 0 "P3" H 5950 5600 60 0000 C CNN -F 1 "FFC" V 6100 5250 60 0000 C CNN - 1 5900 5250 - 0 1 1 0 -$EndComp -$Comp -L FFC P2 -U 1 1 4E0084DD -P 7550 4000 -F 0 "P2" H 7600 4350 60 0000 C CNN -F 1 "FFC" V 7750 4000 60 0000 C CNN - 1 7550 4000 - 1 0 0 -1 -$EndComp -$Comp -L FFC P1 -U 1 1 4E0084D9 -P 5900 2750 -F 0 "P1" H 5950 3100 60 0000 C CNN -F 1 "FFC" V 6100 2750 60 0000 C CNN - 1 5900 2750 - 0 -1 -1 0 -$EndComp -$Comp -L FFC P4 -U 1 1 4E0084D4 -P 4200 4000 -F 0 "P4" H 4250 4350 60 0000 C CNN -F 1 "FFC" V 4400 4000 60 0000 C CNN - 1 4200 4000 - -1 0 0 1 -$EndComp -NoConn ~ 5350 4150 -NoConn ~ 6450 4150 -Text Label 5650 3150 3 60 ~ 0 -VCC -Text Label 5750 3150 3 60 ~ 0 -RST -Text Label 5850 3150 3 60 ~ 0 -CLK -Text Label 5950 3150 3 60 ~ 0 -I/O -Text Label 6050 3150 3 60 ~ 0 -VPP -Text Label 6150 3150 3 60 ~ 0 -GND -Text Label 5650 4800 1 60 ~ 0 -GND -Text Label 5750 4800 1 60 ~ 0 -VPP -Text Label 5850 4800 1 60 ~ 0 -I/O -Text Label 5950 4800 1 60 ~ 0 -CLK -Text Label 6050 4800 1 60 ~ 0 -RST -Text Label 6150 4800 1 60 ~ 0 -VCC -Text Label 7000 4250 0 60 ~ 0 -GND -Text Label 7000 4150 0 60 ~ 0 -VPP -Text Label 7000 4050 0 60 ~ 0 -I/O -Text Label 7000 3950 0 60 ~ 0 -CLK -Text Label 7000 3850 0 60 ~ 0 -RST -Text Label 7000 3750 0 60 ~ 0 -VCC -Text Label 6500 4050 0 60 ~ 0 -I/O -Text Label 6500 3950 0 60 ~ 0 -VPP -Text Label 6500 3850 0 60 ~ 0 -GND -Text Label 5150 4050 0 60 ~ 0 -CLK -Text Label 5150 3950 0 60 ~ 0 -RST -Text Label 5150 3850 0 60 ~ 0 -VCC -Wire Wire Line - 7200 4250 6950 4250 -Wire Wire Line - 7200 4050 6950 4050 -Wire Wire Line - 7200 3850 6950 3850 -Wire Wire Line - 6050 3100 6050 3350 -Wire Wire Line - 5850 3100 5850 3350 -Wire Wire Line - 5650 3100 5650 3350 -Wire Wire Line - 6700 4050 6450 4050 -Wire Wire Line - 6450 3950 6700 3950 -Wire Wire Line - 5100 3950 5350 3950 -Wire Wire Line - 5650 4900 5650 4600 -Wire Wire Line - 5850 4900 5850 4600 -Wire Wire Line - 6050 4900 6050 4600 -Wire Wire Line - 4550 4250 4800 4250 -Wire Wire Line - 4550 4050 4800 4050 -Wire Wire Line - 4550 3850 4800 3850 -Wire Wire Line - 4550 3750 4800 3750 -Wire Wire Line - 4550 3950 4800 3950 -Wire Wire Line - 4550 4150 4800 4150 -Wire Wire Line - 6150 4900 6150 4600 -Wire Wire Line - 5950 4900 5950 4600 -Wire Wire Line - 5750 4900 5750 4600 -Wire Wire Line - 5100 3850 5350 3850 -Wire Wire Line - 5100 4050 5350 4050 -Wire Wire Line - 6450 3850 6700 3850 -Wire Wire Line - 5750 3100 5750 3350 -Wire Wire Line - 5950 3100 5950 3350 -Wire Wire Line - 6150 3100 6150 3350 -Wire Wire Line - 7200 3950 6950 3950 -Wire Wire Line - 7200 3750 6950 3750 -Wire Wire Line - 7200 4150 6950 4150 -Text Label 4600 4250 0 60 ~ 0 -VCC -Text Label 4600 4150 0 60 ~ 0 -RST -Text Label 4600 4050 0 60 ~ 0 -CLK -Text Label 4600 3950 0 60 ~ 0 -I/O -Text Label 4600 3850 0 60 ~ 0 -VPP -Text Label 4600 3750 0 60 ~ 0 -GND -$EndSCHEMATC -- cgit v1.2.3