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(C) 2011-2013 by Holger Hans Peter Freyther
All Rights Reserved
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Object subclass: OsmoAppConnection [
| socket writeQueue demuxer muxer dispatcher token hostname port
tx_proc rx_proc started connect_block |
<category: 'OsmoNetwork-Socket'>
<comment: 'I connect to a OpenBSC App on the Control Port and wait for
TRAPS coming from the server and will act on these.
TODO: re-use the IPADispatcher across connections.'>
OsmoAppConnection class >> connectionException [
<category: 'exceptions'>
^ SystemExceptions.FileError
OsmoAppConnection class >> new [
^(self basicNew)
hostname: '';
port: 4250;
driveDispatch [
<category: 'private'>
self dispatchOne
] on: SystemExceptions.EndOfStream do: [:e |
self logError: 'OsmoApplication eof' area: #osmo.
self scheduleReconnect
] on: SystemExceptions.FileError do: [:e |
self logError: 'OsmoApplication file-error' area: #osmo.
self scheduleReconnect
] on: Error do: [:e |
e logException: 'OsmoApplication error' area: #osmo.
self scheduleReconnect
driveSend [
<category: 'private'>
self sendOne
] on: SystemExceptions.EndOfStream do: [:e |
self logError: 'OsmoApplication eof' area: #osmo.
self scheduleReconnect
] on: Error do: [:e |
e logException: 'OsmoApplication error' area: #osmo.
self scheduleReconnect
reconnect [
<category: 'private'>
self logNotice: 'Going to reconnect socket' area: #osmo.
self terminate.
started ifTrue: [self start]
scheduleReconnect [
<category: 'private'>
socket ifNotNil: [socket close. socket := nil].
TimerScheduler instance scheduleInSeconds: 1 block: [self reconnect].
"We are done now"
Processor activeProcess terminate
initializeDispatcher [
| ipa |
"Allow another class to register handlers"
dispatcher := IPADispatcher new.
dispatcher initialize.
connect_block ifNotNil: [connect_block value: dispatcher].
ipa := (IPAProtoHandler new)
registerOn: dispatcher;
muxer: muxer;
token: token;
nextPut: aData [
muxer nextPut: aData with: IPAConstants protocolOsmoCTRL
nextPut: aData with: aConstant [
muxer nextPut: aData with: aConstant
token: aToken [
token := aToken.
hostname: aHostname [
<category: 'creation'>
hostname := aHostname
port: aPort [
<category: 'creation'>
port := aPort
onConnect: aBlock [
<category: 'creation'>
"Call the block when the socket is being connected and the dispatcher
is set-up. The callback will have the dispatcher as parameter."
connect_block := aBlock.
createConnection: aHostname port: aPort [
<category: 'socket'>
^ Sockets.Socket remote: aHostname port: aPort.
connect [
<category: 'connect'>
socket ifNotNil: [socket close].
socket := self createConnection: hostname port: port.
writeQueue := SharedQueue new.
demuxer := IPADemuxer initOn: socket.
muxer := IPAMuxer initOn: writeQueue.
self initializeDispatcher.
start [
<category: 'connect'>
started := true.
self logNotice: 'Attempting to connect' area: #osmo.
self connect
] on: self class connectionException do: [
self logError: 'Failed to connect.' area: #osmo.
^Osmo.TimerScheduler instance scheduleInSeconds: 1 block: [self reconnect]].
rx_proc :=
[Processor activeProcess name: 'OsmoAppConnection-RX'.
[self driveDispatch] repeat] fork.
tx_proc := [Processor activeProcess name: 'OsmoAppConnection-TX'.
[self driveSend] repeat] fork
stop [
<category: 'connect'>
started := false.
self terminate
"A reconnect timer might be running right now"
terminate [
<category: 'connect'>
tx_proc ifNotNil: [tx_proc terminate].
rx_proc ifNotNil: [rx_proc terminate].
socket ifNotNil: [socket close. socket := nil]
sendOne [
| msg |
<category: 'dispatch'>
msg := writeQueue next.
socket nextPutAllFlush: msg.
dispatchOne [
| msg |
<category: 'dispatch'>
msg := demuxer next.
dispatcher dispatch: msg first with: msg second.