MGW NAT: Propagate 'path' of preceding message headers down to mangling code

This commit is contained in:
Harald Welte 2011-03-08 12:08:18 +01:00
parent eb4913f96f
commit e85802ea39
1 changed files with 18 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
-author("Harald Welte <>").
-export([mangle_rx_data/3, mangle_rx_data/4]).
% exports belwo needed by map_masq.erl
-export([isup_party_internationalize/2, isup_party_nationalize/2, isup_party_replace_prefix/3]).
@ -33,14 +33,17 @@
% mangle the received data
mangle_rx_data(L, From, Data) when is_binary(Data) ->
mangle_rx_data(L, From, [], Data).
% mangle the received data
mangle_rx_data(L, From, Path, Data) when is_list(Path), is_binary(Data) ->
{ok, M2ua} = m2ua_codec:parse_m2ua_msg(Data),
%io:format("M2UA Decode: ~p~n", [M2ua]),
case M2ua of
#m2ua_msg{msg_class = ?M2UA_MSGC_MAUP,
msg_type = ?M2UA_MAUP_MSGT_DATA} ->
M2ua_out = mangle_rx_m2ua_maup(L, From, M2ua);
M2ua_out = mangle_rx_m2ua_maup(L, From, Path, M2ua);
#m2ua_msg{} ->
% simply pass it along unmodified
M2ua_out = M2ua
@ -50,11 +53,11 @@ mangle_rx_data(L, From, Data) when is_binary(Data) ->
% mangle the received M2UA
mangle_rx_m2ua_maup(L, From, M2ua = #m2ua_msg{parameters = Params}) ->
mangle_rx_m2ua_maup(L, From, Path, M2ua = #m2ua_msg{parameters = Params}) ->
{_Len, M2uaPayload} = proplists:get_value(16#300, Params),
Mtp3 = mtp3_codec:parse_mtp3_msg(M2uaPayload),
%io:format("MTP3 Decode: ~p~n", [Mtp3]),
Mtp3_out = mangle_rx_mtp3(L, From, Mtp3),
Mtp3_out = mangle_rx_mtp3(L, From, Path ++ [M2ua], Mtp3),
%io:format("MTP3 Encode: ~p~n", [Mtp3_out]),
Mtp3OutBin = mtp3_codec:encode_mtp3_msg(Mtp3_out),
Params2 = proplists:delete(16#300, Params),
@ -63,16 +66,16 @@ mangle_rx_m2ua_maup(L, From, M2ua = #m2ua_msg{parameters = Params}) ->
M2ua#m2ua_msg{parameters = ParamsNew}.
% mangle the MTP3 payload
mangle_rx_mtp3(L, From, Mtp3 = #mtp3_msg{service_ind = Service}) ->
mangle_rx_mtp3_serv(L, From, Service, Mtp3).
mangle_rx_mtp3(L, From, Path, Mtp3 = #mtp3_msg{service_ind = Service}) ->
mangle_rx_mtp3_serv(L, From, Path, Service, Mtp3).
% mangle the ISUP content
mangle_rx_mtp3_serv(_L, From, ?MTP3_SERV_ISUP, Mtp3 = #mtp3_msg{payload = Payload}) ->
mangle_rx_mtp3_serv(_L, From, Path, ?MTP3_SERV_ISUP, Mtp3 = #mtp3_msg{payload = Payload}) ->
io:format("ISUP In: ~p~n", [Payload]),
Isup = isup_codec:parse_isup_msg(Payload),
io:format("ISUP Decode: ~p~n", [Isup]),
IsupMangled = mangle_rx_isup(From, Isup#isup_msg.msg_type, Isup),
IsupMangled = mangle_rx_isup(From, Path, Isup#isup_msg.msg_type, Isup),
if IsupMangled == Isup ->
true ->
@ -83,11 +86,11 @@ mangle_rx_mtp3_serv(_L, From, ?MTP3_SERV_ISUP, Mtp3 = #mtp3_msg{payload = Payloa
Mtp3#mtp3_msg{payload = Payload_out}
% mangle the SCCP content
mangle_rx_mtp3_serv(_L, From, ?MTP3_SERV_SCCP, Mtp3 = #mtp3_msg{payload = Payload}) ->
mangle_rx_mtp3_serv(_L, From, Path, ?MTP3_SERV_SCCP, Mtp3 = #mtp3_msg{payload = Payload}) ->
io:format("SCCP In: ~p~n", [Payload]),
{ok, Sccp} = sccp_codec:parse_sccp_msg(Payload),
io:format("SCCP Decode: ~p~n", [Sccp]),
SccpMangled = mangle_rx_sccp(From, Sccp#sccp_msg.msg_type, Sccp),
SccpMangled = mangle_rx_sccp(From, Path ++ [Mtp3], Sccp#sccp_msg.msg_type, Sccp),
SccpMasqued = sccp_masq:sccp_masq_msg(From, SccpMangled#sccp_msg.msg_type,
if SccpMasqued == Sccp ->
@ -100,7 +103,7 @@ mangle_rx_mtp3_serv(_L, From, ?MTP3_SERV_SCCP, Mtp3 = #mtp3_msg{payload = Payloa
Mtp3#mtp3_msg{payload = Payload_out}
% default: do nothing
mangle_rx_mtp3_serv(_L, _From, _, Mtp3) ->
mangle_rx_mtp3_serv(_L, _From, _Path, _, Mtp3) ->
@ -156,7 +159,7 @@ maybe_re_encode(DecOrig, DecNew, MapEncOld) when DecOrig == DecNew ->
maybe_re_encode(_DecOrig, DecNew, _MapEncOld) ->
mangle_rx_sccp(From, ?SCCP_MSGT_UDT, Msg = #sccp_msg{parameters = Opts}) ->
mangle_rx_sccp(From, _Path, ?SCCP_MSGT_UDT, Msg = #sccp_msg{parameters = Opts}) ->
% Mangle the SCCP Calling / Called Addresses
CalledParty = proplists:get_value(called_party_addr, Opts),
CalledPartyNew = mangle_rx_called(From, CalledParty),
@ -174,7 +177,7 @@ mangle_rx_sccp(From, ?SCCP_MSGT_UDT, Msg = #sccp_msg{parameters = Opts}) ->
Opts3 = lists:keyreplace(user_data, 1, Opts2,
{user_data, MapEncNew}),
Msg#sccp_msg{parameters = Opts3};
mangle_rx_sccp(_From, _MsgType, Msg) ->
mangle_rx_sccp(_From, _Path, _MsgType, Msg) ->
@ -200,7 +203,7 @@ mangle_rx_isup_par(_From, _MsgType, _Msg, Par) ->
% mangle an incoming ISUP message
mangle_rx_isup(From, MsgType, Msg = #isup_msg{parameters = Params}) ->
mangle_rx_isup(From, _Path, MsgType, Msg = #isup_msg{parameters = Params}) ->
ParamsOut = mangle_rx_isup_params(From, MsgType, Msg, [], Params),
% return message with modified parameter list
Msg#isup_msg{parameters = ParamsOut}.